Tuesday, October 16

Welcoming the Second Trimester

I have welcomed the Second Trimester a couple of different ways.

1. I look very cute in maternity clothing. This bodes well for the next six months.

2. I am less tired - hooray! But I still want 9 hours of sleep every night.

3. Today I walked through the Marshall's baby aisle and looked at shoes and clothes and baby furniture. It was scary - everything is either baby pink or baby blue. Apparently we will scare little children by dressing them in real colors. But then I got stuck looking at baby books, and my heart about melted.

4. I gained two whole pounds during the first 12 weeks. It's time to start eating - which I welcome, because I am finally feeling hungry. I celebrated my returning appetite with my favorite treat: french fries and chocolate milkshakes.

5. Our cat Purna, who many of you know is not fond of sitting on human laps, has taken to mine recently like she's making up for lost time. My theory is that suddenly she knows how good she's got it, and how much her life will be different in 6 months. Plus she'll have a plethora of baby toys to keep her busy. But I think she might be too advanced for the newborn toys - so if/when we have a baby shower, please, someone remember poor Purna and buy her an Erector set or some blocks.

6. I cried on Sunday because Dave was sitting too far away in the house. This is a good sign, right? So I've been told, but thinking about it now, I can only shake my head in wonderment.

1 comment:

Soon-to-be Bubi Paula said...

Wow! Goodbye nausea, hello food, and all it took was some nice new clothes! Enjoy trimester #2....definitely the best of the 3!