Wednesday, February 6

Look What Three Weeks Can Do!

Well. I thought that I wasn't really growing that much, and then I decided to take a picture this evening to post on the blog... and WOW! The top picture is at week 25, and the bottom picture (taken today) is week 28. I can't believe how much we've grown!!!

ps - do you like my pregnancy pants? Hallelujah for spandex! Mom bought these for me at Pea in the Pod, in case anyone's interested.

pps - click on the photos to enlarge them, if necessary


Anonymous said...

Aww, your belly looks great! Oh, and so do you ;-)

Anonymous said...

That's an amazing picture. Just think how much you and baby both are going to grow in the next few weeks. Wow!

mikal said...

what's this about a handicap sticker???????

you look great!
such a cute belly