Tuesday, April 29

The Future of This Blog Part II

Still trying to figure out what to do about this blog... we are leaning toward creating a new blog, but are having difficulty coming up with a proper title and URL. Unfortunately, some other people have taken our blog name ideas, and we are a bit stumped. "O Is For Owen" has been claimed by another little boy, and "Little Dude" has been claimed by a person who hates Indiana and hasn't even updated his blog since 2004.

Any ideas?

Also, I haven't been typing/updating much due to a sore wrist/carpel tunnel syndrome- another symptom of pregnancy that hasn't abated yet. Boo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Carpal tunnel is a side-effect of pregnancy?! Oh, boy.

You could have the same blog name as another blog out there in the world, right, just not the same URL? Could you stick a hyphen in there somewhere, or use another blog site like typepad?

Maybe you could do something with his initials since they spell a real word?